Please note not all plants are available at this time.
Pseudopanax Dark Star
Evergreen shrub with an upright and bushy growth habit. Brilliant leaf colour of a rich dark purple almost going black during winter. 3m can be trimmed to keep a compact growing plant.
Gordonia axillaris
A small tree with dark glossy green leaves. Flowers similar to camellia, large single creamy white with yellow stamens, from April to September. Plant in full sun or semi-shade. Excellent small garden species.
Metrosideros 'Mistral'
Tidy upright-growing tree. Amazing deep-scarlet flowers in summer attracting nectar-loving birds. Hardy to coastal and mild drought conditions. 5m H x 4m W.
Griselinia Littoralis - Ardmore Emerald
Darker green glossy highly polished leaves. Forms a very dense shrub which can be clipped into many forms. Ideal for hedging, screening, and shrubberies. Tough, able to cope with all extremes, except wet feet.
Michelia 'Mixed Up Miss'
Small evergreen tree with glossy green foliage down trunk to ground. In spring smothers itself with gorgeous cream flowers flushed with purple at tip, delicate fruity scent. Light trim after flowering to maintain shape. 3m x 2m
Pittosporum crassifolium
Attractive growing Pittosporum with grey to green thick almost leathery leaves. Very hardy to coastal conditions or general garden planting, also makes a great hedge. 4m x 3m.
Feijoa 'Mammoth'
A vigorous grower producing large, rough skinned mild flavoured fruit. Requires cross-pollination with another mid season fruiter. Full sun, height 3m, can be trimmed to keep in shape.
Feijoa 'Unique'
Small to medium sized fruit with a rough light green skin. The pulp is mild and aromatic with a juicy delicate flavour. Compact and vigorous growth habit, self fertile, harvest early season. 4x4m This plant is grafted which produces a better plant and more fruit.
Feijoa 'Apollo'
Upright growing but quite a bushy tree with large fruit with a think rough skin. The smooth fragrant pulp is sweet and tasty. Self fertile harvest time is May 4 x 4m this plant is grafted for better plant growth and bigger fruit.
Podocarpus totara
Totara. Hardy NZ native with fine dark green to brown foliage. Forms dense shrub or large tree. Responds well to pruning creating tough hedge. Known to be stock resistant. 3m x 2m at 10 yr. 20m at maturity.
Jacaranda Mimosifolia
This specimen tree from brazil is a visual delight when in full flower. In late spring-summer masses of mauve- blue tubular flowers smother the tree followed by decorative seed pods.
Dodonaea viscosa
Vigorous upright growth habit that spreads as well. A small tree or shrub with mild green foliage. Resistant to drought, wind and salt spray. Makes a tidy hedge when space is limited. 2 x 2m.
Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea'
Bold purple foliage make this an attractive garden plant useful as hedging or screening. The purple foliage mixes well with other plants and the colour intensifies in winter. 4 x 3m.
Camellia sasanqua 'Setsugekka'
Pure white flowers cover this Camellia, early season, upright rounded form, ideal hedging plant, trims well. Prune after flowering to encourage new growth. Plant in the full sun.
Pseudopanax ‘Black Knight’
Pseuodopanax Black Knight is an upright, bushy, evergreen native shrub with rich dark purple leaves which turn almost black during the winter months. It is a good choice for large pots and borders and is perfect for any modern landscape.
Pseudopanax Lessonii
Native Five Finger / Houpara. This coastal hardy shrub makes for a beautiful lush look in the garden. Planted best in a well drained soil and can tolerate a half sun position. The berries help attract the birds by providing them with food.
Michelia yunnanensis
Compact evergreen shrub. Velvety brown buds open to sweetly scented cream/white blooms. Can be clipped in topiary or hedging. Best suited to warmer gardens. 3m x 2m at maturity.
Michelia 'Fairy White' (PVR)
Masses of white fragrant flowers from September to November. Plant in the full sun or part shade, quick growing, and can be trimmed to make a hedge or small screening plant.