Please note not all plants are available at this time.
Pittosporum 'Mountain Green'
Glossy deep green foliage with a reliable and compact growth habit. Great for hedging or planted in a group of three. Easy to grow and trim. 2.5 x 2m.
Lemon 'Meyer'
Hugely popular variety as the most cold hardy lemon variety. Low spreading tree habit with few thorns. Large juicy smooth-skinned fruit. Once tree is established, it will fruit all year round.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Variegatum'
One of the best pittosporums for colour and growth habit. Very easy to grow, makes a great hedge, very easy to trim into shape. Plant in the full sun. Hardy 4 x 3m NZ native.
Camellia sasanqua 'Setsugekka'
Pure white flowers cover this Camellia, early season, upright rounded form, ideal hedging plant, trims well. Prune after flowering to encourage new growth. Plant in the full sun.
Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd'
Semi- dwarf, evergreen shrub with a compact, narrowly pyramidal habit. Easily grown in average well drained soil.
Philodendron ‘Xanadu’
An exquisite little philodendron from tropical Australia is a must have for any sub-tropical garden. They need warm roots to handle our winters and will thrive in tubs and raised garden beds.
Gardenia 'Professor Pucci'
Very popular Gardenia for the garden. Glossy dark green foliage and pure white, highly fragrant flowers in abundance throughout spring and early summer. 1.5x1m.
Pieris 'Christmas Cheer'
A slow growing evergreen shrub with glossy deep green foliage topped in spring with masses of pink stalked, crimped white flowers, with deep rose red tips.
Nandina domestica 'Firepower'
Compact, upright evergreen shrub with yellowish-green leaves in summer, becoming a gorgeous red in autumn and winter. Hardy. 0.5 x 0.5m.
Lomandra longifolia 'Tanika' ®(LM300) PBR
Compact fine leaf form, which is drought and frost tolerant. Avoid wet feet. Deep green with yellow flower spikes from April to Oct. Sun or shade.50-60cmH x 65cmW. Protected under the Plant Breeders Rights Act 1994.
Hosta 'Halcyon'
'Halcyon' is a great addition to shady areas where it forms an attractive, dense mound of smooth, flat, spear-shaped, thick-textured, intense blue leaves.
Hosta 'Colour Glory'
Leaves with distinct veins, strongly corrugated, good substance, golden- green with wide blue- green border. White flowers in June.
Callistemon 'Little John'
Compact selection with scarlet bottlebrush flowers above glaucous foliage. A very hardy shrub and probably the most popular callistemon. Great for attracting wildlife. Hardy 1.5 x 1.5m.
Leptospermum ‘Blossom’
Leptospermum 'Blossom' is a large cultivar of Manuka known for its soft double pink flowers. Can reach a full height of 2m and a spread of 1.8m. Does best in well drained soil, full sun, sheltered position and can tolerate coastal conditions.
Asplenium bulbiferum
NZ Hen and Chicken Fern. A clump forming fern with graceful deep green arching fronds. Small bulbils formed on it's fronds which in time form new plants. Can grow indoors, also great for that shady garden. 0.8 x 0.8.
Escallonia 'White Profusion'
Shrub with shiny serrated foliage which tolerates coastal conditions. White flowers throughout the summer. Fast-growing upright form. Fantastic fast-growing hedging. Attractive to bees. Evergreen. Hardy.
Coprosma 'Taiko'
This hardy native groundcover forms a dense cover and is perfect for spots where a hardy groundcover is needed. Grow 0.3 x 1m. Positions: Full sun.